Fuel Gas Tank Carburetor Air Filter Gasket for BS 10T702, 10T802
Interchangeable Part Numbers
Please make sure the interchange part number matches the part you are replacing.
Please check our photos and make sure the part shown looks identical to your stock one.
Briggs & Stratton
93902, 95902, 95982, 96902, 96982, 98902, 98982, 9B902, 9C902, 9C982, 9D902, 9D982,9E902,
9E912, 9F902, 9G902, 9H902, 9J902, 9K902, 9L902, 9M902, 9S502, 9T502, 9T602,9T702, 9T802,
10A902, 10A912, 10A982, 10B902, 10C902, 10C982, 10D902, 10D912, 10D982,10E902, 10F902,
10G902, 10H902, 10J902, 10J912, 10K902, 10L902, 10M902, 10M912,10N902, 10S902, 10T502,
10T602, 10T702, 10T802, 10T812, & 120T02
Package list
1X Fuel tank Carburetor
1x Gasket
1x Primer Bulb
1x Air Filter
1x Spark Plug
Everything shown on first picture is included